Friday, June 7, 2013

How to Keep Your Children Hydrated During the Summer

Dehydration can be a huge concern for most parents during the summer months. Children have a way of completely avoiding the need for liquids when they are busy having a good time during the summer. We parents have to, basically, force the issue of hydration onto our kids. Here you will find some of the best ways to keep your children hydrated this summer. My kids love them and I hope that yours will also.
Water - Water has always been and will always be the number one best way to stay hydrated. Water should always be the first thing that you reach for when trying to avoid dehydration, but it's not always a favorite. That's why we have the following selections to help keep your children hydrated during the summer.
Fruit Juices - 100% fruit juices are next in line to help keep your children hydrated during the summer. We all know that fruit juices are not as good as the real thing, but when it comes to hydration 100% fruit juices are a great alternative to water. Always keep the juices cold and on hand to make it easier to get your kids to drink it. My girls love the Juicy Juice brand and will drink any of the flavors that the company offers.
Juice Popsicles - If you can't get your children to slow down and drink water or fruit juices, then why not make some popsicles out of the fruit juices? You can find cheap popsicle molds at places like Wal-Mart and your local dollar stores. If you don't want to purchase popsicle molds, you can use paper cups and plastic spoons for homemade popsicles. Simple pour the fruit juice into your popsicle molds (or paper cup) and freeze. You will have yummy, refreshing and healthy popsicles in a few hours. My freezer stays stocked with fruit juice popsicles during the summer months. Popsicles are a great way to keep your children hydrated during the summer and they offer a tasty treat that your children will love at the same time.
Water-filled Fruits - There are many different types of fruits out in the world that are just filled to the brim with water. These fruits are fantastic at helping to keep you and your children hydrated during the summer months. Fruits like watermelons, grapes and oranges are great at providing much needed fluids for your body. Always have a variety of water-filled fruits available to your children all during the summer.
Other Yummy Cold Drinks - Finally we get to the different types of drinks that you can use to hydrate your children during the summer. Whipping up a fruit smoothie is one great way to entice your children to drink something that's good for them and tastes good too. Throw in some frozen strawberries, a banana and some orange juice and see what happens. There are so many different recipes out there for smoothies that you will never get bored with the same old smoothie. Don't forget to offer up some cold milk, even chocolate milk helps to hydrate your children, and even some of those yummy drinkable yogurts.
Children will become dehydrated much faster than adults. Children don't sweat as easily as adults do, and the feeling of thirst can lag behind the body's actual need of fluids. Therefore, your child could already be dehydrated by the time that they tell you that they are thirsty. So don't wait until then to offer your children fluids. It may be too late and dehydration could already be setting in. Always have an abundance of fluids available to you and your children while you are out enjoying the summer months. You will be happy that you did!

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